15 02, 2019

    Chewing Gum- Helpful or Harmful?

    By |2019-02-15T17:12:16+00:00February 15th, 2019|Cavieties, Dental health Month, Dentist, Diet, Education, Fun facts, Health, Oral Care, Oral Health, Sugar, Xylitol|Comments Off on Chewing Gum- Helpful or Harmful?

    Kids loves chewing gum. They anticipate the age where mom or dad says it is ok to start chewing gum without the fear of choking. When it comes to chewing gum, it is the type of gum that really make the difference in whether it is helpful or harmful to your teeth. If the gum you choose contains sugar, than you are essentially giving your teeth a bath of sweetness. This can invite those pesky [...]

    15 02, 2019

      Children’s Dental Health Month

      By |2019-02-15T17:08:08+00:00February 15th, 2019|Dental health Month, Dentist, Education, Fun facts, Health, Oral Care, Oral Health, School|Comments Off on Children’s Dental Health Month

      If you asked a pediatric dentist what their favorite month of the year was, my guess is most would say February. Why February? Well, for starters, it has been designated as National Children's Dental Health Month. All over the United States, pediatric dental offices increase their outreach during this time. They visit with local school children and educate them and their parents about good oral health. Some communities even participate in Give Kids a Smile [...]

      15 02, 2019

        Show your kids’ teeth some love this Valentine’s Day!

        By |2019-02-15T17:03:21+00:00February 15th, 2019|Candy, Cavieties, Diet, Education, Fun facts, Health, Holidays and Teeth|Comments Off on Show your kids’ teeth some love this Valentine’s Day!

        Valentine's Day is February 14. It is a day to express love. You can love yourself, your neighbor, your spouse, your kids, and even your kids' teeth! Valentine's Day is now one of the three largest consumer holidays in the United States. According to WalletHub, 94% of Americans want chocolate as a gift. This adds up to over 1.8 billion dollars in sales. That is not even counting, how much money is made on flowers [...]

        6 04, 2018

        Starting Braces Early

        By |2018-04-06T22:06:05+00:00April 6th, 2018|Braces, Dentist, Fun facts, Health, Invisalign, Orthodontics|Comments Off on Starting Braces Early

        I was surprised when Dr. Jamie suggested that my 8-year-old daughter get evaluated by an ­­orthodontist for braces – she’s so young! Aren’t braces for teenagers? On my daughter’s x-rays, Dr. Jamie pointed to permanent teeth still in the gums that are not lined up with the space where they should grow in. An orthodontist, Dr. Jamie explained, can evaluate my daughter’s teeth to predict whether the permanent teeth will likely grow in correctly or [...]

        15 10, 2016

          Eight Wonderful Things About Spit (aka Saliva)

          By |2016-10-15T20:47:11+00:00October 15th, 2016|Cavieties, Dentist, Diet, Education, Fun facts, Health, Oral Care, Oral Health|Comments Off on Eight Wonderful Things About Spit (aka Saliva)

          Your body starts digesting food in your mouth, thanks to enzymes in your saliva that break down starches. Swallowing would be terribly uncomfortable without saliva to help us move our food down. You wouldn’t be able to taste your food if you didn’t have saliva. As food mixes with saliva, it carries it to the taste buds that are embedded on your tongue. Your body makes 4 – 8 cups of saliva every day! It [...]

          2 10, 2016

            Swapping baby teeth for permanent teeth!

            By |2016-10-02T20:38:39+00:00October 2nd, 2016|Dentist, Education, Fun facts|Comments Off on Swapping baby teeth for permanent teeth!

            By the time your child starts kindergarten, you may have almost forgotten that their cute set of teeth are just place holders for the permanent ones. After all, it was a long, sometimes tearful, teething process growing in those first teeth - who wouldn’t want to forget that? Well, be reassured that for most kids the transition from baby teeth to adult teeth is more giggles than tears. So don’t be too concerned when the [...]

            2 09, 2016

              Now Available: White crowns for kids’ back and front teeth

              By |2016-09-02T20:51:40+00:00September 2nd, 2016|Cavieties, Crowns, Dentist, Education, Fun facts, SSC|Comments Off on Now Available: White crowns for kids’ back and front teeth

              If your child needs a crown on a tooth, Dr. Jamie can now provide you with the option of white crowns in place of the standard stainless steel crown. While front teeth white crowns are common, newer back teeth white crowns are now available. Made of durable zirconia, these crowns are not only strong, they are beautiful!  A crown is usually used to cover a tooth that has a very large filling. Perhaps the decay [...]

              14 04, 2014

                Tooth Friendly Easter Baskets

                By |2014-04-14T02:31:26+00:00April 14th, 2014|Candy, Cavieties, Fun facts, Holidays and Teeth, Sugar|Comments Off on Tooth Friendly Easter Baskets

                Chocolate bunnies, jelly beans, and Cadbury Eggs are the traditional part of Easter Basket fun. The National Confectioners Association says that Americans spend more than $1.5 billion on Easter candy each year, second only to Halloween candy! This is the equivalent of 25 pounds per candy per person! However, here at Sahouria Pediatric Dentistry, we have it on good authority from the Easter Bunny that there are many fun items you can include that are [...]

                1 03, 2014

                  What is Toothpaste made of?

                  By |2014-03-01T19:51:55+00:00March 1st, 2014|Cavieties, Education, Fun facts, Health|Comments Off on What is Toothpaste made of?

                  Sudsers, abrasives, humectants and binders? What are those? They are ingredients in your toothpaste! Can you name an ingredient in your toothpaste? I bet I can guess the first one that popped in your mind. Is it fluoride? That is probably the most famous ingredient, and yet it is not in every toothpaste (make sure your read the label when you’re toothpaste shopping!). When it does get in the mix, it is not a major [...]

                  30 11, 2013

                    All I want for Christmas…. Is braces?!

                    By |2013-11-30T16:20:52+00:00November 30th, 2013|Braces, Education, Fun facts, Invisalign, Orthodontics|Comments Off on All I want for Christmas…. Is braces?!

                    Believe it or not, the special friends in our office are always asking Dr. Jamie to put braces on them. To help with this, our team expanded recently to include Dr. Paul Sauget, an orthodontist with an incredible background! Besides his dental pursuits, Dr. Paul was an Eagle Scout, played NCAA Division I tennis, served his country as a Fleet Marine Force Warfare Officer, competed in the 2012 Xterra World Championship triathalon, took 1st place [...]