28 11, 2012

Protecting Your Kids’ Teeth with Xylitol

By |2012-11-28T03:39:07+00:00November 28th, 2012|Cavieties, Diet, Oral Health, Sugar|Comments Off on Protecting Your Kids’ Teeth with Xylitol

As a parent, you may have heard of schools that give out sugar-free gum to help reduce cavities among their students. Or maybe you’ve heard about a sugar substitute that actually protects teeth. That sugar substitute is xylitol and it really does reduce the chances of cavities. Of course, the simple act of removing sugars from a child’s diet which reduce the chances of cavities. Offering xylitol gum as a replacement to another sweet snack [...]

31 10, 2012

Happy Halloween!

By |2012-10-31T03:29:16+00:00October 31st, 2012|Candy, Cavieties, Diet, Health, Oral Care, Sugar|Comments Off on Happy Halloween!

Halloween is approaching and ghouls abound! It’s a lot of fun . . . as long as the monsters aren’t in your kids’ mouths. Dr. Sahouria wants your little ones to enjoy all the fun of Halloween without hurting those great smiles. Here are a few tips from us: Give away candy alternatives this Halloween – Kids love to find little toys among the candy and toys last longer. The American Dental Association came up [...]